Things to Know Before Undergoing Rhinoplasty
Nose jobs are a commonly talked about procedure and are also becoming more and more common among people of all ages. But for those who have no experience with rhinoplasty, there are several important things to know before opting for this type of surgery.

Results are permanent
Unlike many other types of plastic surgery, rhinoplasty is not something that needs maintenance. The results are permanent and, as long as you communicate what you want to your doctor, there will be no need for any future alterations. Just make sure to communicate exactly what you want to your doctor.
It’s not just cosmetic
Of course, we all want to look better. But rhinoplasty serves more than the function of vanity. The procedure can also correct breathing problems, which stem from obstructions in the airways. Rhinoplasty surgery can lead to more effective breathing and eliminate problem areas in that region.
Be prepared for some swelling
It is normal to have swelling and bruising after rhinoplasty. The extent of both are due to the type of rhinoplasty performed and individual differences in healing. The immediate effects of surgery should last about two weeks, but subtle swelling in the nasal tip can take a year to go away. Most patients return to work in 7 to 10 days and can begin exercising in two weeks. Swelling can persist in rhinoplasty, so it is best to be patient with your recovery.
Some patients bruise easier
Older patients may experience more bruising because their blood vessels are a bit more fragile. People taking medications to thin the blood should be off those medications for at least two weeks prior to surgery to reduce bruising. A consultation with your doctor will shed more light on these potential effects.
Do not massage your nose after the procedure
After your rhinoplasty procedure, your nose is not so fragile that you cannot touch it. However, it is not recommended to rub your nose too much or too vigorously. Doing so could undo some of your stitches or impede the corrective results. Excessive rubbing of the tip of the nose could also lead to additional swelling and irritation.
Your sense of smell could be affected
Swelling in the nasal passage may impact your sense of smell immediately after the procedure; however, once the swelling goes down, things will return to normal and every nearby aroma will once again be recognizable. Long-term effects to one’s sense of smell are extremely uncommon in rhinoplasty procedures.
Synthetic materials are a last resort
Septal cartilage, which comes from inside your nose, is sometimes used during a rhinoplasty procedure especially if areas like the tip or bridge need augmentation. When that is not an option, cartilage can be used from other parts of the body. If cartilage is not an option, then synthetic materials such as silicone can be used but are rarely the primary option.
Ballantyne Plastic Surgery provides expert Rhinoplasty surgery procedures with a careful, thorough and safe approach. You can now have the look you have always wanted with the best plastic and cosmetic surgery in Charlotte.
Recognizing and Dealing With Gynecomastia in Men

Men who suffer from gynecomastia can experience a lack of self-esteem along with heightened levels of embarrassment. However, gynecomastia is nothing to be ashamed of as it affects close to half the male population at some point in their lives. Living with this condition does not have to be permanent any longer.
Gynecomastia is an enlargement of the male breast, giving them the appearance of having female breasts. It is caused by an excessive growth of breast tissue or mammary glands. All males are susceptible to this condition as there is no distinct age bracket to categorize those who suffer from this condition. It is best to consult with your doctor to see if there are causes such as medications which may be the reason for breast enlargement.
Types of Gynecomastia
The most common type of gynecomastia occurs when there is a combination of extra breast tissue and extra fatty tissue. This can cause gynecomastia that is either mild or severe. Sometimes the extra tissue lies just underneath the nipple and sometimes it involves the whole breast. Glandular tissue just underneath the areola can cause the nipple to have a puffy look to them. This gives off the appearance of a cone-shaped breast, which is very different from a normal male breast where the nipple and areola lay flat against the chest.
Fatty gynecomastia is yet another variation, commonly seen in overweight men. The most appropriate means of remedying this type of gynecomastia is weight loss. When weight loss efforts prove ineffective, then it is time to seek a surgical solution such as liposuction.
Excessive glandular and/or fatty tissue may be accompanied by skin excess. Some men have “sagging” to their breasts. This may require removal of excess skin at the time of surgery. Your doctor will discuss this with you to minimize scarring but also to give you the look you desire.
Solution for Gynecomastia
Even the most extreme diets and exercise are not guaranteed to cure gynecomastia. Excess glandular tissue is not affected by weight loss. Excess fatty tissue can be helped with diet and exercise, but sometimes it is just “stubborn” and difficult to lose. When natural options are exhausted or ineffective, it’s time to seek out surgery in the form of male breast reduction.
At least two weeks prior to undergoing a male breast reduction procedure, it is recommended that men stop smoking, tanning, and taking any medication or aspirin that will cause their blood to thin. One week off from work is suggested after the procedure while two weeks off are recommended for men whose jobs require a significant amount of manual labor.
Understanding the causes of gynecomastia and realizing that it is rather common can help men deal with this issue much more easily. Ballantyne Plastic Surgery takes the time to work with male clients who are experiencing this common condition. A solution is now just a phone call away as cosmetic surgery in Charlotte has never been easier.
When Breast Asymmetry Calls For Cosmetic Surgery
It may come as a surprise that the majority of women have some sort of asymmetry with their breasts. One may be slightly larger than the other and in many instances, it is barely noticeable. However, there are times when breast asymmetry calls for a corrective procedure.
The candidates
Generally speaking, the difference of at least a half of a cup size is noticeable and qualifies a woman as a candidate for differential (different sized implants) breast augmentation. Candidates should be at least 18 years of age while extreme circumstances permits girls under that age to qualify as well.
The causes
There are many causes of breast asymmetry. The most common cause is simply a size difference that has been present since breast development. Changes can occur after pregnancy and nursing especially if the baby prefers one breast to the other. There are also medical reasons for breast asymmetry. Conditions such as scoliosis can cause your rib cage to shift so that one side is a bit more forward than the other. There are other conditions in which the chest wall actually bows out. This is identifiable by a cleavage that is wider, nipples pointing outward, and breasts that have a tendency to slide towards the side.
Furthermore, breast asymmetry does not always mean that one breast is bigger than the other. One breast could be narrower in width or different degrees of sagging (ptosis) can also differ in each breast. Breasts might be the same size, but these aforementioned factors will cause them to look asymmetrical. There are also instances where the areola and nipple differ in shape, size and position. Most times, the cause is purely natural.

The solutions
Women who opt to correct their breast asymmetry have a wide variety of options. They can choose to simply even out their breasts with breast augmentation or lessen the size of one breast with a breast reduction. A breast lift could also be used if the breast volume is similar but one side has more droop. A lift and augmentation can also be done together as with women who have tuberous breasts.
Liposuction and fat grafting are other ways of correcting asymmetrical breasts but are limited in their application. Nipple reduction or nipple augmentation is also a possibility. Occasionally it is necessary to use more than one procedure on a patient to provide symmetrical breasts.
In this day and age, women don’t have to deal with the psychological effects or negative self-image that can accompany asymmetrical breasts. Ballantyne Plastic Surgery provides a vast array of solutions as one of the leaders in cosmetic surgery in Charlotte. The breasts of your dreams can now be yours with effective, same-day procedures.
Seeing the Benefits of Blepharoplasty More Clearly
Blepharoplasty is the medical term used for eyelid surgery and is a procedure being used by more men and women each day. Blepharoplasty can enhance a patient’s appearance in addition to improving their vision. It is a safe procedure utilized by a wide variety of patients.

Eyelid surgery can be a purely cosmetic procedure or it can be used to fix vision problems due to excess eyelid skin.
When people age, their eyelids lose elasticity and begin to droop downward which can eventually obstruct their vision.
However, aging is not the only cause for eyelid surgery. Damage from the sun can also have an adverse effect on the eyelids while smoking can do the same.
The best candidates for blepharoplasty can self-diagnose with a simple glance in the mirror. Those who look older than their actual age and wear a look that is perpetually tired are ideal candidates. And in some instances, droopy eyelids are an inherited trait, which may require eyelid surgery at a relatively young age.
The incisions made during eyelid surgery are made along the natural folds of your eyelids, which aims to minimize any scarring. Tissue is removed during the surgery and depending upon the area that is affected, there is the option to choose from upper eyelid surgery or lower eyelid surgery.
Once blepharoplasty is completed, patients will not only have better vision, but they will also look more alert and well rested.
Eyelid surgery in Charlotte is made easy with the help of Ballantyne Plastic Surgery. Staffed with a team of professionals, Ballantyne Plastic Surgery can provide you with top-notch cosmetic surgery. Patients looking for a quality blepharoplasty, liposuction or breast augmentation can turn to Ballantyne, which has become the top name in Charlotte plastic surgery.
Cosmetic Surgery for Men Caters To Fit Their Gender

When most people think of plastic surgery, they think of procedures that will enhance their appearance. Traditionally, that has been for women. But there is much more to the world of plastic surgery than tummy tucks, breast augmentations and breast lifts. There a wide variety of options available for men to enhance the way they look.
It must also be stated that male plastic surgery differs a bit than female plastic surgery. Male cosmetic surgery is geared towards men and is not intended to feminize them. These procedures cater to the male body. When it comes to facial structures, men have different traits. Their brows tend to be lower than a woman’s brow and the upper portion of their eyelids are weightier.
Men are also equipped with noses that are larger than women’s and it is no secret that men usually have a stronger chin. The hair patterns in a typical male also vary from that of women. All of these considerations need to be taken into account during any cosmetic procedure.
When it comes to the body, males typically have less curves than women do. Men have wider chests while their torso remains relatively straight. Some details, such as nipple placement, are relatively minor, but still contain noticeable differences when compared to women. These factors are all taken into consideration during liposuction, gynecomastia surgery or other type of body shaping procedures for men.
Frown lines are not limited to women as men are also susceptible to showing their age in this way. Whenever men frown, lines form in their brows and become more prominent over the course of time. These lines can give the impression that men have an unpleasant mood to them and make them seem like they are unapproachable.
Botox is a nonsurgical way for men to rid themselves of these frown lines which can make them look years younger while also making them seem more welcoming and approachable.
Another area that typically affects men as well as women is the nasolabial folds, which are actually smile lines around the mouth area. These folds tend to be a little deeper on men and a simple filler can soften their look, providing a much more inviting appearance.
If you are looking for any type of male plastic surgery, Ballantyne Plastic Surgery has a solution for you. Our team of experienced doctors can match you with a Charlotte plastic surgery procedure that will make you look years younger. Men and women can both benefit from one of our many top-notch services.

A Tummy Tuck is Just What the Doctor Ordered for New Mothers
The joy of childbirth is immediate as the arrival of a new baby can make all those months of pain and effort well worth it. However, having a baby leaves mothers with some lasting physical evidence. To restore their bodies to the way they once were, a tummy tuck may be just what the doctor ordered.

It’s normal to notice changes in your figure after having a baby. New mothers may notice a bulge in their stomach area that wasn’t there before. That bulge could be from loose skin, some additional fat that won’t go away, weakness in the abdominal wall, or a combination of those factors. Unfortunately, your figure may not improve no matter how many crunches you do. Many women would like to get their pre-pregnancy shape back once they are finished having children. Instead of having to worry or stress over this situation, turning to plastic surgery is a simple and effective solution.
A tummy tuck, also referred to as abdominoplasty, not only takes care of excess fat but can restore your shape by removing excessed stretched skin and tightening your abdominal muscles. Pregnancy can stretch out your abdomen causing stretch marks and a lower abdominal fullness. A tummy tuck can give your stomach the look you had before pregnancy and even a better shape than they ever had for some patients.
Mothers should not be fooled by celebrity mothers they might see in magazines. There is a lot of airbrush and Photoshop that goes into those pictures as they are not always an accurate depiction of what a woman looks like after pregnancy.
Meanwhile, tummy tucks are not a fix for everyone, as the most qualified candidates are not extremely overweight. The ideal candidate is someone that is close to their ideal weight or pre-pregnancy weight.
There are different types of tummy tucks and not just one procedure works for all women. Dr. Liszka will advise you on what procedure will work best for you to meet your individual needs. Every shape and curve on each woman’s body is truly unique to them. That is why the most appropriate techniques are used on each individual patient.
Mothers are usually on the go and there are not always extra hours to go to the gym, attend a daily yoga class, or bike for several miles. Now, a flat stomach can be achieved without having to sacrifice any extra hours of physical activity. In some cases, even those extra hours are just not enough. Tummy tucks are an effective and well-deserved gift for any mother.
Ballantyne Plastic Surgery specializes in all kinds of cosmetic surgery for women. Mommy makeovers, tummy tucks, liposuction and breast augmentation are all available for an affordable price. Dr. Liszka and his team are committed to help you restore your shape and confidence.
When to Choose Plastic Surgery? 3 Compelling Reasons to Go Under the Knife
Cosmetic surgery isn’t just for the rich and famous anymore. Gone are the days when only celebrities and affluent people would have exclusive access to these technologies that ultimately made them look good and feel even better about themselves.

Life-changing as they are, different cosmetic surgery procedures are performed 1.6 million times yearly. A study conducted by The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Inc. revealed that surgical and non-surgical cosmetic surgery procedures are expected to continue to rise throughout 2015. Increased awareness, better economy and a heightened level of trust by consumers are the biggest factors for this rising trend.
Even as the industry is enjoying massive popularity among men and women, the question remains: What motivates people to say yes to plastic surgery? The reasons vary and, contrary to common perception, they certainly go beyond vanity:
1. Enhance or highlight your best features. People are always in pursuit of physical beauty and differ significantly in what they desire as advancements in plastic surgery enable us to achieve those standards in a realistic and healthy way. While the world insists that beauty is skin deep, the truth may be that you wish you looked better. Even people whom we think have the perfect nose, eyes, lips, cheeks or chin can find something wrong in themselves and would want to have something changed if they could.
2. Facial reconstruction. A practical reason for undergoing facial surgery is to restore one’s appearance following accidents that cause injury or major physical changes. Similarly, for people who were born with congenital deformities such as cleft lip and palate, protruding or overly large ears and other facial deformities, plastic surgery can restore both function and appearance. Several technological advancements have paved the way for excellent facial restorations, giving patients a second chance to start over and live a normal life.
3. Health reasons. In some cases, people are compelled to go under the knife as a result of health issues. For instance, a person who has been suffering from a deviated septum can have breathing and snoring problems. With Rhinoplasty, this problem can be remedied. People who have successfully battled against skin cancer can turn to cosmetic and reconstructive procedures to restore their appearance and bring back their confidence.
Find A Reputable Team of Specialists
With modern surgery technologies and state-of-the-art equipment, common and uncommon facial problems can be remedied – but that’s not all there is to it. It is equally important to find no less than the most qualified plastic surgeon with expertise and experience in the field.
In Charlotte, NC, Ballantyne Plastic Surgery promises to give patients expert care from the finest team of board-certified surgeons and technicians led by Thomas G. Liszka, MD. Since 1993, Dr. Liszka has helped hundreds of satisfied patients achieve their personal cosmetic surgery goals with his help and care.
As a patient, you need to realize that entrusting your face or body to the wrong hands can have devastating effects – and even endanger your life! Learn more about Ballantyne Plastic Surgery by visiting and have the peace of mind you deserve as you decide to go under the knife.
Ideal Candidates for Otoplasty
Otoplasty is a type of cosmetic surgery that reshapes a person’s external ear. This procedure makes the ear much less prominent by reducing the actually size or the angle that it sits, whether it be for one or both ears. Those who are ideal candidates for otoplasty have a broad range of ages and conditions.

Children as young as age five are candidates for otoplasty, since they have already achieved about 90% of the adult ear size. It is safe to operate at this age and it can help before teasing from peers starts. Older children and teenagers are also candidates for otoplasty as large ears can often be a cause of ridicule during those formative years. Risks are very minimal and results have proven to not only enhance a teenager’s look, but also improves their self-esteem.
Even in adults, self-esteem can improved with an ear pinning otoplasty procedure. Women who have prominent ears frequently hide them with longer hair. Many men also attempt to conceal their prominent ears with longer hairstyles and generally avoid getting shorter haircuts. The only criteria needed for an otoplasty procedure is the good standing of one’s general health.
Candidates for otoplasty will meet with a plastic surgeon for an initial consultation, during which time they will be able to express their expectations and concerns. At this appointment a candidate learns what they can expect from an otoplasty procedure.
Measurements of each ear are taken and photos are sometimes taken before putting together a plan to accommodate each individual patient. The goals of every patient should also be realistic and those who qualify do not have any general health issues that would negatively affect the healing process.
Candidates who schedule an otoplasty procedure do so on an out-patient basis and the surgery is usually done under general anesthesia. Most patients are out of the public eye for a week. After that, a lighter dressing, very much like a headband, is worn at night for just a few weeks after the surgery.
Ballantyne Plastic Surgery provides quality otoplasty along with many other types of cosmetic surgery. If you are in search of a Charlotte plastic surgeon that is experienced in breast augmentation, mommy makeovers and face lifts, contact the team of professionals at Ballantyne Plastic Surgery.
What Happens After Liposuction
Like many other type of cosmetic surgery, patients who undergo liposuction are subjected to a recovery process. During this process, there are some important points that patients should know. Let us take a closer look at what lies ahead following a liposuction procedure.
A Quick Return
After liposuction, patients are not confined to a bed. On that first day, they can still move around the house and maybe even step outside for a bit on the second or third day. By day four, patients could already go back to work and by day seven, it should be back to life as usual. However, any kind of accelerated exercise or heavy lifting should be avoided until your doctor says you are cleared to resume the activity which is usually around two weeks after surgery.

What to Expect
In the first 12-24 hours, your incisions will leak out fluid. The leakage should stop by a few days but can continue through the first week, and that is normal. Sometimes, the fluid may even be a pink color as there are small amounts of blood mixed in. Again, this is normal. Do not remove your girdle until about the third day to shower. Don’t be concerned about your early results, your first glimpse will only get better. There will still be some swelling and puffiness for six to eight weeks after surgery. And remember, the girdle will decrease your swelling and soreness so where as instructed. Usually that means 24/7 for the first three weeks and half the day for the second three weeks.
A New You
When about three weeks have passed, you may have the urge to start shopping for new clothes. Be patient as there is more shrinking to come. Furthermore, some patients find that their appetites have waned and this could last up to six months after the procedure. This can be a good time to implement smaller, healthier meal portions, which are become ever more popular in the US. The bottom line is that the process of healing will cause your body to shrink, thus enhancing the overall effects of your liposuction procedure. If pairing this procedure with a new, healthier diet it is even more reason to hold off on a whole new wardrobe. Your patience will pay off.
Liposuction is made easy by Dr. Liszka and the experienced cosmetic surgery team at Ballantyne Plastic Surgery. Get started on a whole new you with a wide selection of plastic surgery and non-invasive cosmetic procedures ranging from breast augmentation to facial fillers to treating gynecomastia and much more all at Ballantyne Plastic Surgery. Charlotte’s most trusted cosmetic surgery center.
Letter to Patients Regarding the Novel Coronavirus
To Our Patients,
The Surgeon General, the CDC, the American College of Surgeons, and the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery have all recommended delaying or postponing elective surgery and medically non essential patient visits during the Covid-19 pandemic as we anticipate an unprecedented strain on our Healthcare System. The Novant Healthcare System has cancelled/rescheduled all elective operations beginning 3/18/2020. They have not given a date when they anticipate opening their operating rooms for elective surgery and we will be monitoring that closely. Also, the CDC and Federal Government have recommended limiting social interactions to try to slow the spread of disease. For that reason Ballantyne Plastic Surgery will be operating on an extremely limited basis for the next two weeks or longer and only be seeing patients for medically necessary reasons. This is defined as patients whose health would be negatively affected if they are not seen. This will apply mainly to patients in the early post operative period. As of March 18, 2020 the following applies to Ballantyne Plastic Surgery:
1. All elective surgery is being cancelled and will later be rescheduled when the operating rooms are open for elective procedures. Every effort will be made to accommodate your scheduling desires.
2. All medically non-essential patient visits will be rescheduled for a minimum of 2 weeks or however long the CDC and other governing agencies deem essential to limit the spread of Covid-19. This includes:
a. All new patient consults
b. All dermal filler and neuromodulator (botox) patients
c. All aesthetic services (laser, skin pen, peels, etc.)
d. All long term post surgical follow up patients unless there is a problem requiring immediate intervention
3. Dr Liszka will determine who will be seen during this time period and you will be notified as to your appointment date. You also may call the office to discuss whether you need to be seen during this time
All of us at Ballantyne Plastic Surgery are very sorry to have to implement the above protocol for our practice and the impact it makes on our patient’s schedule and lives. This is an unprecedented medical problem and requires extreme measures. We believe this is necessary and in the best interest of our patients, staff, community, and country.

Ballantyne Plastic Surgery
(704) 295-0777
The Vivace is Revolutionizing Micro Needling

The Vivace fractional micro needle is quickly becoming the newest and most effective way to naturally stimulate collagen production. This treatment is minimally-invasive and the results are speaking for themselves. Vivace fractional micro needling earned honors during the 2020 Aesthetics Everything Awards. It was also recognized with a 2020 patient’s choice award given by Realself, earning the distinction of “Most Worth It Procedure.”
The Vivace fractional micro needling experience involves something known as RF, which stands for radio frequency. This describes the unique way the process is carried out. The radio frequency produces heat and that acts as a stimulant for the production of collagen. The RF combines with precision micro needling and the end result is younger looking skin that is much tighter. Additionally, the RF features 31 different depths of penetration as this technology has made the Vivace a true state-of-the-art product.
The science of the Vivace uses topical anesthesia and then creates minute channels deep within the skin as a way of producing new collagen. Those channels remain open from four to six hours, ensuring collagen stimulation.
The process takes anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes to complete. An overwhelming majority of clients have reported a completely pain-free experience. The design of this product focused on comfort, further evidencing why it is quickly becoming a popular choice among patients from all walks of life. It should also be noted that an additional 30 minutes is required for numbing purposes before the actual micro needling begins.
There is a variety of target areas when using the Vivace. It serves the purpose of reducing fine lines and wrinkles while also minimizing the size of pores. The results are an improvement in texture and tone. The absence of downtime has also contributed to the widespread popularity of Vivace as well. Patients can leave the office wearing immediate results. Multiple treatments are usually necessary to achieve the desired result.
There are several reasons for the rise in popularity of micro needling and the Vivace has hit on all those points. The process allows for the targeting of smaller areas and it is acceptable to use on clients of all ages. Younger people with acne scarring can benefit from using the Vivace just as much as older patients fighting the onset of age.
The Vivace has been approved by the FDA, alleviating any concerns over patient safety. It uses a robotic motor that helps immensely with creating a pain-free experience.
To learn more about this and other non-surgical skin rejuvenation available near you, go to
Ballantyne Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery of Charlotte NC Adds Nonsurgical Kybella Product Line
Ballantyne Plastic Surgery continues to provide a vast line of state-of-the-art nonsurgical products to its clientele. Now, clients have the option of using Kybella , which eliminates fat in the neck area, more commonly known as the ‘double chin’.
Ballantyne Plastic Surgery is located in Charlotte, NC and has become the area leader for aesthetic surgical and nonsurgical procedures. Dr. Liszka consults with every client before any kind of procedure and will thoroughly explain the benefits of choosing Kybella.
The FDA has approved Kyballa for the purpose of reducing submental fat, which is found in the upper neck. Furthermore, Kybella is the only drug of its kind that has been clinically proven to work effectively.
Kybella is administered through an injection and requires no anesthesia. Minimal swelling exists following the injection and even the smallest signs of bruising disappear within 72 hours of receiving the injection. The general treatment usually requires anywhere from two to four treatments, which are conducted in four to six week increments.
Results are apparent within a few weeks of receiving the injection. The unsightly double chin can now be a thing of the past for patients young and old with this exciting and revolutionary new product.
Kybella has been growing in popularity and making headlines online, in print and also on television. Kybella has been featured on NBC’s ‘Today’ television show and continues to become more and more of a household name. The New York Post featured an article that revealed an overwhelming number of men are ‘lining up’ to get Kybella treatments. This is a nonsurgical solution that is being embraced by both men and women in an era where plastic surgery is becoming a unisex procedure.
Some clients describe Kybella as a way ‘to get a chiseled jawline’ while others have labeled it as the ‘new Botox’ for its ease of injection and limited down time. The demand for Kybella is increasing by the day and it is becoming a trend that is very similar to the way Botox was once the ‘must-have’ injection.
The use of Kybella is catching on around the world and now that it has been approved by the FDA, it is in demand pretty much everywhere. From Australia to the UK, people are reaping the benefits offered by Kybella injections.
Ballantyne Plastic Surgery offers this product in addition to many other top-quality services, products and procedures. The Ballantyne staff always takes the proper precautions before undergoing any type of procedure. That includes discussing any risks, side effects and recommended treatments with each patient. As experienced professionals, Dr Liszka and his staff at Ballantyne Plastic Surgery recommend Kybella to qualified candidates and must emphasize that not everyone is a candidate. The Ballantyne staff strives to make sure every client is a perfect fit with each procedure.
To get more information about Kybella or other aesthetic procedures at Ballantyne Plastic Surgery call 704-413-3566 or visit online at Check out Ballantyne Plastic Surgery in person at 14135 Ballantyne Corporate Place, Suite 150, Charlotte, NC 28277.