How & Why Breast Massage Helps After Breast Augmentation

Part of the Ballantyne Plastic Surgery breast augmentation recovery process involves breast massage, which can be done by the patient in the convenience of their own home. Here’s a look at how you can use breast massage and why it helps with your new breasts.
Why should I breast massage?
Your body will not automatically adjust to your new breasts. Your body’s response to this unnatural substance will be to create scar tissue. That scar tissue could affect your breasts in numerous ways. It could misshape the breasts, lessen the pocket size, or restrict the implant’s movement within the pocket. Regular breast massage can also avoid breast asymmetry while also maintaining their new contour. It also gives breasts a more natural feel that is not unusually firm.
When should I breast massage?
Breast massage should begin after the procedure. Your plastic surgeon will instruct you when and how to do your breast massage. It is usually recommended to engage in breast massage at a minimum of three times a day. There will be some discomfort initially, but this is a critical time as your breasts will begin to take on their new contour, position and shape. Once three months have passed, your doctor will instruct you how to continue your breast massage. Typically, around the four-month period, you can go down to once a day, and your doctor may even recommend daily massage all the way up to a year.
How do I breast massage?
There are several different techniques women can use for breast massage. The simplest way is to start out with your opposite hand on top of your breast implant and place the same side hand on top of the first hand. Push downward and count to ten. Your doctor may also want you to push to the middle or up on your breasts depending on how tight the skin is and where he wants the implant to move. Most patients do 10 “reps” like this a few times a day.
There are several other techniques that can be used, which include specific ones for specific problems or goals. Nevertheless, it is recommended to perform the basic breast massage as instructed by your doctor after your breast augmentation.
At Ballantyne Plastic Surgery, breast augmentation is performed by Dr. Liszka an experienced board certified plastic surgeon who considers every patient a priority. Charlotte plastic surgery has never been easier as liposuction, rhinoplasty, and all other kinds of cosmetic surgery are just a phone call away. Contact Ballantyne Plastic Surgery today and give yourself the look you have always wanted while discovering the art of confidence.
The Breast Augmentation Recovery Process
Many women envision what they will look like with a breast enhancement and how that will improve their appearance and boost self-confidence. But most women do not spend as much time wondering about the recovery process that follows a breast augmentation. Here is a look at what to expect after your breast augmentation procedure.
The Initial Aftermath
Expect to be sore after your procedure because that will indeed happen. Your muscles will feel very tight, which will require you to have the help of someone for a day or two after the procedure. That help is not just to make your life easier, but it is also part of the healing process. Doing too much activity could do damage to yourself.
Expect swelling and bruising. Some women have hypersensitivity, or too much feeling, to their nipples and they can be very sensitive at this point. This is self-limiting and not permanent. Some also use ice for short intervals over the course of the day as well as pain medicine prescribed by your doctor. Recovery is also enhanced in this stage by wearing a surgical bra that will be placed at the conclusion of your operation. Within a week’s time, most of the immediate aftereffects should subside and you will be able to return to work and engage in some light activity.

Returning To Normalcy
Most of the initial side effects will be gone after a week’s time, but that doesn’t mean you are in the clear just yet. Some swelling and soreness will likely remain into the second and third week of recovery. You can then increase your activities, but do not overdo it. Your doctor will tell you when it is safe to resume exercise to decrease the risk of bleeding. Week four is when you should really start to feel “back to normal” as if you never had surgery.
A New Look
Scarring should begin to fade away in the first few months and your new breasts will begin to take on their new shape. All soreness and swelling should be gone by that point. Patients can also continue to practice regular breast massages. Your doctor will instruct you how to do the massage and for how long.
In Charlotte, NC Ballantyne Plastic Surgery can provide you with the breasts you have always wanted. Dr. Liszka will walk you through every step of the process and answer any questions you may have. For the best in Charlotte plastic surgery, contact the experienced team at Ballantyne Plastic Surgery. Discover the art of confidence today.
The Basics of Undergoing a Thigh Lift for Women

To be considered a candidate for a thigh lift, patients should be relatively healthy and possess a body mass index that is below 35. The more ideal candidate would actually have a body mass index that is below 30. It’s also important to note that this is not a procedure recommended for people with extreme weight problems and is more appropriate for patients who find themselves at a stable weight and in good health.
While thigh lifts are a safe procedure, there is always a risk when undergoing any kind of surgery. Some of those risks include, skin discoloration, blood clots, asymmetry and fluid accumulation. However, qualified candidates generally experience a safe and effective procedure without any serious issues.
Just as the case is with most surgeries, there will be a recovery period that will limit day-to-day activity. Patients should expect some bruising and swelling following a thighplasty. Wearing a compression garment will aid a great deal in reducing the amount of swelling.
Patients should go into a thighplasty with the knowledge that there will be scarring afterward. However, the incisions are usually made right in the groin crease. That makes scarring easily concealed with clothes or even a bathing suit. Furthermore, those scars eventually fade and become less noticeable. Occasionally, an incision is made down the inner part of the leg to the knee for patients with extreme skin excess usually after massive weight loss. A thigh lift can leave you with the thighs you have always wanted.
Women request thigh lifts more frequently than men. The thighplasty procedure usually lasts between two and four hours and is done under general anesthesia. A thigh lift is usually an outpatient operation.
Ballantyne Plastic Surgery is staffed with a capable team of plastic surgeons that will enable your thigh lift procedure to be a successful one. Charlotte plastic surgery has never been better as Ballantyne Plastic Surgery offers all kinds of cosmetic surgery, including breast augmentation, liposuction, mommy makeovers and much more.Tips for Mommy Makeover Recovery

The Do’s
Do enlist some help because you are going to be off your feet for a while. Your little one is going to still make the same demands regardless of how you are feeling. Rest is important so make sure you have some help around the house and with your children.
The Don’ts
As is customary with any surgery, there are restrictions placed upon what women can do following a mommy makeover. There should be no heavy lifting of anything more than five pounds for the first few weeks. Patients should also plan for six weeks free of any aggressive activity.
The Realities
There is going to be some pain afterward, but maybe not as much as childbirth. It is perfectly normal to experience pain when undergoing a tummy tuck or breast augmentation, so expect it. Also, stay positive during your recovery time. This was a conscious choice and one that is rightfully yours, so don’t feel the need to always have to explain your decisions to others.
The Diet
Following your mommy makeover, be sure to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Protein shakes are good to drink as well. It is also important to stay away from foods that contain a lot of salt, because they could intensify swelling.
The Walks
The pain from your tummy tuck is going to cause you to walk a little bit hunched over. That is okay. You will not be expected to return to normal activity right away. Try walking around the house a little more each day after your mommy makeover, but don’t overdo it.
The Ice
Once you return home, ice is going to be your best friend. When applied in the first 72 hours, ice can really help reduce your swelling. Ice up in 20-minute intervals and you will see much less pain in your recovery.
If you are interested in a plastic surgery or cosmetic procedure, place your trust in Dr. Thomas G. Liszka, MD. Ballantyne Plastic Surgery center is the one and only place for cosmetic surgery in Charlotte. Whatever type of plastic surgery you are looking for, the team of experienced professionals at Ballantyne can give you the look you have always wanted.

What to expect with BOTOX
The use of BOTOX is quite common as it helps people get rid of unwanted facial wrinkles. Here is a look at the process of receiving BOTOX and what to expect before, during and after you receive your injections.

Before BOTOX
Inform your plastic surgeon of which medications you are taking. Certain medications can thin out your blood, which could lead to additional swelling after receiving your injections. Plenty of over-the-counter medications like aspirin and Ginseng can also thin your blood.
There is also the option of selecting a numbing agent if you do not want any pain whatsoever. You can opt for injections, which sends a numbing agent into your skin. You can also select non-invasive methods to ensure there is no pain, such as a cold spray or prescription cream.
During BOTOX
Don’t get too comfortable because BOTOX injections only take about 10-15 minutes to complete. Most patients don’t report much pain, but tolerance levels differ. What is happening is the BOTOX relaxes the muscles that lie underneath your skin. These muscles are what bring about wrinkles. A thin needle injects small amounts of something called botulinum toxin into the desired parts of your face.
The injections will not take effect for at least couple of days, in some cases, a little bit longer. However, you can resume your daily activities right after your injections. And if you are planning your BOTOX for a big event, such as a wedding, allow at least six weeks to pass after the injections for it to take its full effect.

BOTOX requires time to settle, so do not engage in any strenuous activity for at least 24 hours and try not to lay down for at least four hours after receiving the injections. It is also important to avoid rubbing the area of injection. Doing so could cause the botulinum toxin to spread into different areas of your face. There can be some bruising or swelling, but don’t expect much pain afterward.
Before receiving any future injections, make sure you are completely honest with your doctor upon your next visit. BOTOX strengthens over time, so overlapping injections might be too much to handle and drastically alter your face.
Ballantyne Plastic Surgery has everything you need to give yourself the look you deserve. In addition to nonsurgical BOTOX treatments, B.P.S. offers a wide range of cosmetic surgery, including rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, Gynecomastia and much more.
How to Determine If You Need a Breast Lift

As women get older, many spend a good deal of time wondering whether or not a breast lift is right for them. Instead of continually wondering, there are ways to actually determine whether or not you are a qualified candidate for a breast lift. There are also different types of lifts for all different types of breasts.
It is first important to note that all breasts have a natural droop to them. So there is no need for every woman with even the slightest of droop to undergo this kind of procedure. However, there are tips to help women make the best decision.
The pencil test is a very revealing method. Place a pencil underneath the inframammary fold of your breast. Then release your breast and release the pencil. When the pencil falls to the ground, it means that you have passed the pencil test. If the pencil remains where it is, that’s an indication that sagging breasts need to undergo a breast lift. However, there are exceptions.
A woman can pass this test and still need a breast lift. That occurs when nipples are low and puffy. That indicates there is a need for reshaping and that can be accomplished with a breast lift.
Another way of determining whether or not a breast lift is right for you is to get an accurate gauge of where the nipple is in relation with the inframammary fold. Nipples that hang down low right in line with the inframammary fold could definitely be helped by a breast lift.
It is also important to note that candidates change over the course of time. Pregnancy, excess weight and normal aging all cause breast to droop. Therefore, a perky pair of breasts on a 20-year old woman may not be so perky when she nears the age of 40.
There are also different kinds of breast lifts. The Periareolar lift removes the round portion of skin that encircles the areola and may include parts of the areola as well. This is done in an effort to draw the breasts closer together.
A vertical lift is a common procedure that is used on breasts that tend to really sag and it does not leave a scar in the inframammary fold. Lastly, the full lift is the most extreme which removes extra skin on the lower part of the breast.
When it comes time for your breast lift, contact the experienced team at Ballantyne Plastic Surgery. Charlotte’s leader in cosmetic surgery, Ballantyne’s team of professionals will help decide which procedure is right for you.
A Microneedling Product Makes Waves in the Cosmetic Surgery World
SkinPen sets industry standard as first FDA-approved microneedling device.

This is extremely important because it means the device has been safety tested and approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. And while many people are just starting to learn about microneedling, it becomes even more important to have a semblance of security when opting to go through with this process. A product that is cleared by the FDA typically brings peace of mind to the people who use it.
It is also important to gain FDA approval when it comes to microneedling because of the process involved. Microneedling actually creates micro-injuries, which serve the function of stimulating the body’s healing process. This product is used to remodel scar tissue, which is usually a result of acne. It is a way for people to regain clearer skin after having been forced to deal with unpleasantness of acne.
Using any type of product or service on your face should always be considered with a great deal of scrutiny. A microneedling product has the potential to bring positive results but using the wrong one could bring about adverse effects. SkinPen has taken extensive measures to be cleared by the FDA, something not all microneedling products can claim.
So what did the FDA clear exactly?
It goes beyond just clearing the product, but also the process involved. The FDA has cleared the BioSheath used to prevent cross contamination. That is attributed to the customized design of the BioSheath. The product is unique in its creation. The FDA also cleared the Skinfuse ® Lift HG hydrogel, which is also used in the microneedling process. This component protects skin from friction and abrasions while treatment is being administered.
It should really come as no surprise that the FDA has cleared SkinPen because it was created with safety as its top priority. And to be the first product of this kind to receive FDA approval means that SkinPen has established the industry standard in microneedling. Any competitor will now have to strive just to meet that standard.
There is now no reason to take a chance on any other device when SkinPen’s safety has already been tested and approved.
Battling the Dreaded Double Chin
An ongoing struggle that many people face is battling the dreaded double chin. While there are various methods that exist, only one is a sure fire way to win that battle.
A cosmetic surgery approach is the only guaranteed way to win the fight against a double chin. Many people have tried dieting, although weight loss cannot always eliminate the double chin. Genetics also play a big part in one’s facial structure and it is not something that can be altered with more vitamins, less fats or a low-carb diet.

A quick online search will showcase numerous ways to battle the onset of a double chin. There are holistic methods, recommendations for drinking more water and getting more sleep, and even different facial exercises. These are no match for quality plastic surgery, such as the ever popular neck lift, or non-surgical injections.
The traditional neck lift remains the most popular solution even with the recent introduction of Kybella injections, designed to reduce neck fat without the knife. The reason so many people opt for a neck lift is because no other method is able to actually remove excess skin. A neck lift will take away fat deposits and change the muscle structure. The gift of technology enables a plastic surgeons to perform this procedure with just a minimal amount of scarring. Due to the fact that there are only a small number of incisions, the end result will look very natural.
Another excellent perk that comes with a neck lift is that the results are immediate. There is no need to adhere to a strict diet and wait months upon months for results. The procedure only lasts a couple of hours. Sometimes, results can also be achieved strictly with liposuction and no actual surgery.
Many men report more confidence after undergoing a neck lift as there is a certain masculine feature that comes with having a pronounced jawline. Women also report more confidence as a neck lift provides them with a more youthful look and gives them a thinner appearance.
A neck lift is more expensive than dieting or some other type of do-it-yourself method, but the value is in the results. So if you start to notice a double chin in the mirror, know that there is only one proven option to end that battle.
A neck lift can also be done in conjunction with other types of plastic surgery, such as a face lift or facial implants. With all those proven methods on your side, the dreaded double chin will not stand a chance.
Ballantyne Plastic Surgery has years of experience performing all types of facial surgeries and non-surgical procedures. From rhinoplasty to face lifts to eyelid surgery, Ballantyne has you covered with the best in Charlotte plastic surgery. Discover the art of confidence – calling today.
The Face Lift Recovery Checklist
Face lift surgery not only depends on the work of a plastic surgeon, but it also requires the patient to do the right things throughout the recovery process. Here is a checklist of what patients should do after undergoing face lift surgery.

Following a facelift procedure, your doctor will prescribe some kind of antibiotic and/or pain killer. The antibiotic will eliminate any potential infections, so be sure to follow through with the doctor’s instructions in terms of taking the medication until it is finished. Also stay mindful of the adverse effects certain medications may have on you, such as drowsiness or nausea.
Mind your diet
In order for the healing process to run its course, your body needs the proper nutrients. Your facial muscles actually depend on the right nutrients to aid in the healing process. That not only includes eating healthy, well-balanced meals, but it also includes taking the necessary vitamins.
Sleep right
This does not mean just getting your necessary eight hours of sleep, but it also means elevating your head when you sleep. This will help lessen any swelling while also allowing any fluid to drain from your face.
Enlist some help
After your face lift surgery, you will not be able to drive home. Arrange for someone to give you a hand the day of the surgery as well as assisting you the following day or two. Usually, it takes a couple of days for patients to be able to move around the house, although plenty of rest is still recommended.
Be prepared to be puffy
When your bandages are removed, your face will be swollen and bruised. Some people may get depressed upon seeing this. Remember that it is only temporary. Your swelling will fade, although the procedure itself will bring about some initial changes. So be prepared for it.
Expect some discomfort
The few days that follow the actual face lift will bring about some discomfort. However, after those few days, you will start to feel better. Do not be alarmed if you experience tightness after the first week while a dry, roughness in your skin could last as long as a couple of months.
Get a cold compress
Bruising and swelling after a face lift is to be expected, although investing in a cold compress and using it throughout the day can help speed up the healing process. Use a cold compress throughout the day and combine that with rest. Follow the advice of your doctor on how and when to use the compress.
Face lift surgery at Ballantyne Plastic Surgery gives patients the look they have always wanted. With Dr. Liszka and his team of experienced nurses and aestheticians, Ballantyne Plastic Surgery provides complete service from beginning to end, making for a pleasant, safe and productive experience that will enhance your inner beauty.
Male Breast Reduction Becoming a More Common Procedure
Plastic surgery is not just for women anymore. More and more men are turning to plastic surgery as an alternative for a number of cosmetic issues. One of the more common procedures nowadays is male breast reduction.
Gynecomastia, also known as male breast enlargement, can be caused by a number of factors. Some men notice an increase in breast size at puberty. While this usually subsides, some men continue with this into adulthood. Other causes of male breast enlargement can be from obesity, prescription drugs, or marijuana. It can also occur as we age. As men grow older, they produce less testosterone. A common effect of this decrease in testosterone is a rise in estrogen levels that could lead to an enlargement of the breasts. Whatever the cause of gynecomastia, its appearance often gives men an unnatural look while also causing them to become more self-conscious.

Fortunately, there is a successful surgical solution for gynecomastia. The ease of male breast reduction surgery makes this a very popular procedure for men afflicted with gynecomastia.
According to the 2014 American Plastic Surgery Report, there were over 286,000 male breast reduction procedures done in the United States in 2014. That ranks No.1 among all male cosmetic surgical procedures.
The procedure itself is not very long and usually lasts between one and two hours and is done as an outpatient. The operation is done under general anesthesia is administered, making for a painless procedure.
Many men attempt to hide their gynecomastia with baggy clothing while others avoid places like the beach and swimming pools. Gynecomastia surgery can restore self confidence in your appearance that can also result in less stress and anxiety in social situations. Essentially, a male breast reduction will help from a medical standpoint with stress reduction as well as a cosmetic one.
The trend of male breast reduction is also becoming more common among teenage boys. The American Plastic Surgery Report indicated that the number of boys who underwent a breast reduction was up by 14%. There were 8,040 procedures done in the United States in 2014 on males ranging from ages 13-19 years of age.
Dr. Liszka of Ballantyne Plastic Surgery has over twenty years of experience working with male patients who have gynecomastia. From the very beginning of the process, Ballantyne Plastic Surgery can help men of all ages get the results they truly want with as little inconvenience as possible.
A Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedure Is the Perfect Gift for Him
Over the course of time, such occasions like birthdays, Father’s Day, and other holidays come and go. Each year, it steadily becomes more and more difficult to find the perfect gift for a lot of men. There are only so many colognes, wallets and ties to go around. Wives, daughters, friends and relatives now have a new option when it is time to buy a meaningful present for him.
A non-surgical cosmetic procedure is a gift that a man can see every single day. With affordable options to go along with quick and painless procedures, it won’t take much time or money to enhance the way he looks.
Men do not have to be very old to be candidates for a non-surgical cosmetic procedure. A lot of men approaching their forties have already started to see the effects of the aging process. However, most men are not always going to seek out what type of non-surgical cosmetic procedure will work for him. When presented with a gift of this kind, more men are prone to take care of their wrinkles and frown lines.
Frown lines are an inevitable part of getting older, but there is no reason men have to put up with an aged look to their brow. There are several products that can remedy this problem, such as Botox, Dysport and Xeomin.

Such a gift will not require an invasive procedure or hospital stay. Men can choose from either a simple injection or prescription medication. Unlike a cosmetic surgical procedure, there is no lengthy recovery period which could inhibit men from going about their normal routine.
Another non-surgical option would be to use a filler that takes away any unsightly wrinkles. Products such as Juvéderm, Radiesse, and Restylane are intended to make men look younger and come in the form of injectable gels.
These non-surgical procedures can also add volume to men’s cheeks, giving their face a much fuller look. Some products show results that can last up to two years while others will call for more injections every so often.
These options make for easy shopping and a very unique gift item that keeps on giving.
Ballantyne Plastic Surgery provides lots of non-surgical procedures for men of all ages. Men looking to take things a step further can also benefit from other surgical procedures such as Rhinoplasty, Liposuction and male breast reduction. Schedule a consultation today as a more youthful look awaits at Ballantyne Plastic Surgery.
Top Five American Plastic Procedures
Plastic surgery is a trend that does not seem to be slowing down as more and more Americans are undergoing some type of procedure. Here is a look at which surgeries were the hottest of 2014.

1.) Breast Augmentation
According to a 2014 report compiled by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation remains the No.1 procedure in the United States. In 2014, there were 286,000 breast augmentations performed in America. This number was actually down 1% from 2013. There are many options to choose from regarding implant type, style, and size. A national average of cost is roughly $6,100 but that differs geographically and by what type of implant is used.
2.) Rhinoplasty
In 2014, there were 217,000 Americans, who underwent a nose reshaping process. That number is down 5%, although it remains very high on a global perspective. In comparison, there were just 3,690 rhinoplasties reported in the United Kingdom per the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS). Rhinoplasty remains popular in American culture and is sometimes combined with a procedure to improve breathing.
3.) Liposuction
This is the only one of the top five procedures on the rise as there was a 5% increase in liposuction from 2013 to 2014. Approximately 211,000 Americans underwent some kind of liposuction in 2014. Consequently, obesity continues to be on the rise. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), more than a third of American adults are obese. While liposuction is not a treatment for obesity, it is a working alternative for removing localized fat that is unable to come off with diet or exercise.
4.) Eyelid Surgery
This is a growing trend in America, although the numbers were down a bit in 2014. There were 207,000 Americans who opted for eyelid surgery last year, which resulted in a 4% decrease. Of that total number, an overwhelming majority were women as they represented 177,000 of those patients. This procedure is also referred to as a blepharoplasty and can be performed on either the upper or lower eyelids.
5.) Facelift
Compared to the rest of this top five, Americans are doing a lot less face lifting as 117,000 total procedures were performed in 2014. That total was also on the decline, dropping 3% from 2013. Facelifts seem to be on a steady decline as newer procedures, such as fat grafting and dermal fillers are gaining more popularity for facial rejuvenation.
As the U.S. and global economies improve moving into 2015 consumer spending is expected to rise, meaning there will most likely be an increase in plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures. Whatever kind of plastic surgery is in your future, Ballantyne Plastic Surgery has a solution for you. Our team handles all types of plastic surgery and is your No.1 choice for cosmetic surgery in Charlotte, NC.
Prepping for Plastic Surgery

Various plastic surgery procedures come with different recovery periods and recommended practices. Prior to undergoing any plastic surgery, there are some important steps all patients need to take.
Avoid the No- No’s
It is best to stop smoking all together for health reasons. However, if this is not possible smoking cigarettes should be halted at least two weeks prior to any kind of plastic surgery as it will increase potential complications. Alcohol should be avoided within 72 hours of surgery since it could negatively affect the immune system. Aspirin should also be avoided within two weeks of surgery as it could thin the blood and promote bleeding during the procedure. If you are on aspirin therapy consult with your doctor before stopping.
Leading up to surgery, it is recommended that patients maintain good hydration. One possible way to do this is to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day. Staying hydrated will help with the actual surgery as fluid intake will be reduced significantly during that day.
Enlist Help Around The House
Regardless of what type of plastic surgery you are having, there will be limitations to what you can do following the surgery. Follow your doctor’s advice about activity. It is important to take measures to ensure that you have some help during your recovery period. Enlist the assistance of a friend or relative as there will be certain tasks you will be unable to do following your surgery.
Up Your Protein
Protein helps the healing process along by providing the necessary building blocks for wound healing. Start yourself on a high protein diet and continue it through the recovery process.
Stop the Sodium
Sodium can affect the body by increasing swelling. Most plastic surgery operations come with a fair amount of swelling, so it is wise to avoid high sodium foods and eat enough fruits and vegetables leading up to surgery.
Power up with Vitamins
Bromelain is an enzyme that comes from pineapples and is an excellent means of keeping swelling down. Ask your surgeon if they recommend you taking bromelain and whether you should increase your amounts of Vitamins A and C, which help boost your immune system.
Get a Physical
It is necessary that you be in good physical condition for elective cosmetic surgery. If there is any doubt about your health you should have a physical exam conducted by your primary care doctor. Patients over the age of fifty or with serious health concerns need to be cleared medically before undergoing any type of plastic surgery.
Fast at Midnight
The day before your surgery, you are required to cease eating and drinking at midnight. Any medications should be taken with just a sip of water.
Ballantyne Plastic Surgery offers an extensive line of plastic surgery procedures, including breast augmentation, face lifts, Rhinoplasty and much more. Our staff will help you through the entire process as Ballantyne remains the elite in Charlotte plastic surgery.
7 Myths About Cosmetic Surgery
There is a lot about cosmetic surgery that the average person may not know. There are also some popular theories about cosmetic surgery which are completely untrue. Here is a look at 7 myths about cosmetic surgery.
Cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery are the same
Cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is part of the broader specialty of plastic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is done to enhance or improve one’s appearance, symmetry, or proportion. Plastic surgery can sometimes mean reconstructive surgery to normalize a condition that is made abnormal through trauma, disease, or birth disorders. Most board certified plastic surgeons perform both aesthetic as well as reconstructive surgery.
Breast implants have to be replaced every 10 years
There is no rule that states breast implants have a lifespan of 10 years, or any number of years for that matter. Breast implants need to be replaced when a problem occurs. The most common reason for replacement is deflation for saline implants and scar contracture for silicone implants.
Any surgeon will do
Most importantly, only choose a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Board Certification insures your surgeon has had proper training. Some plastic surgeons specialize in certain types of procedures such as facial plastic surgery or an emphasis on breast and body contouring. Others feel comfortable with the full spectrum of plastic surgery. Ask your surgeon what if any areas they specialize in. Remember to do your research before you choose a cosmetic surgeon.
Breast implants may cause cancer
There is no scientific evidence supporting the theory that women who have breast implants are more susceptible to contracting cancer. Studies suggest that there is no increase in cancer or the ability to detect breast cancer if you do self-exams, physician exams, and mammograms as prescribed by your doctor. .However, there are other risks that are associated with breast implants and women should be cognizant of the potential problems that could occur.

Cosmetic Surgery is only for certain people
You don’t have to be rich to have cosmetic surgery. There are many financing plans that exist that are quite affordable. Also, more men are also opting for cosmetic surgery as it is not something just for women.
Botox will prevent facial expressions
This only occurs if too high of a dosage of Botox is administered. The trick to Botox is to insert small doses, thus maintaining the balance of facial muscles. The goal of Botox is to remove lines and wrinkles from the face, not to freeze your expression.
Liposuction is a weight loss solution
Liposuction removes fat in areas where it is difficult to get rid of fat with just a daily regimen of exercise and diet. Liposuction is not a one-time cure to weight issues. Surprisingly, the weight loss from liposuction is relatively small, but dramatic improvements can be seen in inches, dress sizes or pant sizes. It is necessary to continue with a diet and exercise routine to maintain your results.
Ballantyne Plastic Surgery offers a variety of cosmetic surgery procedures in Charlotte, NC. Our team will walk you through each step of the process and provide you with the look you have always wanted.
Recovering from a Tummy Tuck
The tummy tuck procedure, also referred to as abdominoplasty, takes anywhere from one and a half to three hours to perform. Most patients are permitted to return home the same day. Others may be required to spend a night under medical observation if they undergo circumferential tummy tucks or have multiple procedures performed. Once a patient returns home, there is a recovery process that follows.
The First Week
As soon as a patient returns home, the prescription calls for rest and relaxation. Patients should rest in bed or a recliner with their feet elevated and keep their knees bent slightly. There should be no tension in the abdominal area as the wound needs time to heal. It is important to ambulate early to prevent blood clots. Activity should be limited but include walking to the bathroom or around the home.

To help reduce the swelling, it is recommended that patients wear a compression garment. This should be worn 24 hours a day throughout the first week. Your doctor will tell you when it is appropriate to shower which is usually in the first three to five days. An alternative would be to take a sort of sponge bath with the help of someone else. The office will schedule an appointment to see your doctor towards the end of your first week of recovery.
The Second Week
You will start feeling a little more like yourself this second week. It’s important for the patient to continue to walk a few times a day during this second week. The walks do not need to be laborious. It is also time to start to stand up completely straight. Keeping flexion at the waist for the first week sometimes causes back pain. This will improve as you slowly straighten up.
The Third Week
This marks the time for increased activity. Some patients start to do light exercise. Your doctor will advise you on what you can do and how frequently you can do it. A lot of patients can return to work, but some need additional time for recovery. Don’t push yourself too much and listen to your body and your doctor’s recommendations.
You won’t have to wear your compression garment all the time. Wearing it half the day will now be sufficient as many patients will remove it before going to sleep.
The Fourth Week
Most everyone starts to feel “back to normal” by the fourth through sixth weeks after surgery. Your doctor will advise you on activity including what exercises are appropriate and what you should avoid. All the swelling is usually gone by the eighth week. Your doctor will also discuss scar management to minimize your postoperative scarring.
If you are looking for the best tummy tuck Charlotte has to offer, contact the experienced team of professionals at Ballantyne Plastic Surgery.