Various plastic surgery procedures come with different recovery periods and recommended practices. Prior to undergoing any plastic surgery, there are some important steps all patients need to take.
Avoid the No- No’s
It is best to stop smoking all together for health reasons. However, if this is not possible smoking cigarettes should be halted at least two weeks prior to any kind of plastic surgery as it will increase potential complications. Alcohol should be avoided within 72 hours of surgery since it could negatively affect the immune system. Aspirin should also be avoided within two weeks of surgery as it could thin the blood and promote bleeding during the procedure. If you are on aspirin therapy consult with your doctor before stopping.
Leading up to surgery, it is recommended that patients maintain good hydration. One possible way to do this is to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day. Staying hydrated will help with the actual surgery as fluid intake will be reduced significantly during that day.
Enlist Help Around The House
Regardless of what type of plastic surgery you are having, there will be limitations to what you can do following the surgery. Follow your doctor’s advice about activity. It is important to take measures to ensure that you have some help during your recovery period. Enlist the assistance of a friend or relative as there will be certain tasks you will be unable to do following your surgery.
Up Your Protein
Protein helps the healing process along by providing the necessary building blocks for wound healing. Start yourself on a high protein diet and continue it through the recovery process.
Stop the Sodium
Sodium can affect the body by increasing swelling. Most plastic surgery operations come with a fair amount of swelling, so it is wise to avoid high sodium foods and eat enough fruits and vegetables leading up to surgery.
Power up with Vitamins
Bromelain is an enzyme that comes from pineapples and is an excellent means of keeping swelling down. Ask your surgeon if they recommend you taking bromelain and whether you should increase your amounts of Vitamins A and C, which help boost your immune system.
Get a Physical
It is necessary that you be in good physical condition for elective cosmetic surgery. If there is any doubt about your health you should have a physical exam conducted by your primary care doctor. Patients over the age of fifty or with serious health concerns need to be cleared medically before undergoing any type of plastic surgery.
Fast at Midnight
The day before your surgery, you are required to cease eating and drinking at midnight. Any medications should be taken with just a sip of water.
Ballantyne Plastic Surgery offers an extensive line of plastic surgery procedures, including breast augmentation, face lifts, Rhinoplasty and much more. Our staff will help you through the entire process as Ballantyne remains the elite in Charlotte plastic surgery.