The use of BOTOX is quite common as it helps people get rid of unwanted facial wrinkles. Here is a look at the process of receiving BOTOX and what to expect before, during and after you receive your injections.

Before BOTOX
Inform your plastic surgeon of which medications you are taking. Certain medications can thin out your blood, which could lead to additional swelling after receiving your injections. Plenty of over-the-counter medications like aspirin and Ginseng can also thin your blood.
There is also the option of selecting a numbing agent if you do not want any pain whatsoever. You can opt for injections, which sends a numbing agent into your skin. You can also select non-invasive methods to ensure there is no pain, such as a cold spray or prescription cream.
During BOTOX
Don’t get too comfortable because BOTOX injections only take about 10-15 minutes to complete. Most patients don’t report much pain, but tolerance levels differ. What is happening is the BOTOX relaxes the muscles that lie underneath your skin. These muscles are what bring about wrinkles. A thin needle injects small amounts of something called botulinum toxin into the desired parts of your face.
The injections will not take effect for at least couple of days, in some cases, a little bit longer. However, you can resume your daily activities right after your injections. And if you are planning your BOTOX for a big event, such as a wedding, allow at least six weeks to pass after the injections for it to take its full effect.

BOTOX requires time to settle, so do not engage in any strenuous activity for at least 24 hours and try not to lay down for at least four hours after receiving the injections. It is also important to avoid rubbing the area of injection. Doing so could cause the botulinum toxin to spread into different areas of your face. There can be some bruising or swelling, but don’t expect much pain afterward.
Before receiving any future injections, make sure you are completely honest with your doctor upon your next visit. BOTOX strengthens over time, so overlapping injections might be too much to handle and drastically alter your face.
Ballantyne Plastic Surgery has everything you need to give yourself the look you deserve. In addition to nonsurgical BOTOX treatments, B.P.S. offers a wide range of cosmetic surgery, including rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, Gynecomastia and much more.