Otoplasty is a type of cosmetic surgery that reshapes a person’s external ear. This procedure makes the ear much less prominent by reducing the actually size or the angle that it sits, whether it be for one or both ears. Those who are ideal candidates for otoplasty have a broad range of ages and conditions.
Children as young as age five are candidates for otoplasty, since they have already achieved about 90% of the adult ear size. It is safe to operate at this age and it can help before teasing from peers starts. Older children and teenagers are also candidates for otoplasty as large ears can often be a cause of ridicule during those formative years. Risks are very minimal and results have proven to not only enhance a teenager’s look, but also improves their self-esteem.
Even in adults, self-esteem can improved with an ear pinning otoplasty procedure. Women who have prominent ears frequently hide them with longer hair. Many men also attempt to conceal their prominent ears with longer hairstyles and generally avoid getting shorter haircuts. The only criteria needed for an otoplasty procedure is the good standing of one’s general health.
Candidates for otoplasty will meet with a plastic surgeon for an initial consultation, during which time they will be able to express their expectations and concerns. At this appointment a candidate learns what they can expect from an otoplasty procedure.
Measurements of each ear are taken and photos are sometimes taken before putting together a plan to accommodate each individual patient. The goals of every patient should also be realistic and those who qualify do not have any general health issues that would negatively affect the healing process.
Candidates who schedule an otoplasty procedure do so on an out-patient basis and the surgery is usually done under general anesthesia. Most patients are out of the public eye for a week. After that, a lighter dressing, very much like a headband, is worn at night for just a few weeks after the surgery.
Ballantyne Plastic Surgery provides quality otoplasty along with many other types of cosmetic surgery. If you are in search of a Charlotte plastic surgeon that is experienced in breast augmentation, mommy makeovers and face lifts, contact the team of professionals at Ballantyne Plastic Surgery.