Part of the Ballantyne Plastic Surgery breast augmentation recovery process involves breast massage, which can be done by the patient in the convenience of their own home. Here’s a look at how you can use breast massage and why it helps with your new breasts.
Why should I breast massage?
Your body will not automatically adjust to your new breasts. Your body’s response to this unnatural substance will be to create scar tissue. That scar tissue could affect your breasts in numerous ways. It could misshape the breasts, lessen the pocket size, or restrict the implant’s movement within the pocket. Regular breast massage can also avoid breast asymmetry while also maintaining their new contour. It also gives breasts a more natural feel that is not unusually firm.
When should I breast massage?
Breast massage should begin after the procedure. Your plastic surgeon will instruct you when and how to do your breast massage. It is usually recommended to engage in breast massage at a minimum of three times a day. There will be some discomfort initially, but this is a critical time as your breasts will begin to take on their new contour, position and shape. Once three months have passed, your doctor will instruct you how to continue your breast massage. Typically, around the four-month period, you can go down to once a day, and your doctor may even recommend daily massage all the way up to a year.
How do I breast massage?
There are several different techniques women can use for breast massage. The simplest way is to start out with your opposite hand on top of your breast implant and place the same side hand on top of the first hand. Push downward and count to ten. Your doctor may also want you to push to the middle or up on your breasts depending on how tight the skin is and where he wants the implant to move. Most patients do 10 “reps” like this a few times a day.
There are several other techniques that can be used, which include specific ones for specific problems or goals. Nevertheless, it is recommended to perform the basic breast massage as instructed by your doctor after your breast augmentation.
At Ballantyne Plastic Surgery, breast augmentation is performed by Dr. Liszka an experienced board certified plastic surgeon who considers every patient a priority. Charlotte plastic surgery has never been easier as liposuction, rhinoplasty, and all other kinds of cosmetic surgery are just a phone call away. Contact Ballantyne Plastic Surgery today and give yourself the look you have always wanted while discovering the art of confidence.