Dislcaimer: Individual Liposuction Results May Vary From Person To Person
Fat Removal Surgery and Liposuction in Charlotte NC

Liposuction Consultation
Your first step will be to have a consultation with our team. You will be given the opportunity to describe the results you are looking for, and Dr Liszka will go over the best options for you. He will explain the procedure to you and answer any questions you have about having liposuction. When arriving at the consultation you want to be at a stable, non-fluctuating weight. This is so that the doctor can determine what areas of tissue will be best treated with liposuction to achieve the outcome you desire.
Ideal Liposuction Candidates
Ideal candidates generally have good skin quality and are in relatively decent shape. There is no age group that is considered to be age appropriate for liposuction. Patients under 18 require a parent’s consent, since it is a form of surgery. It is also a good idea for candidates to have stabilized their weight prior to making the decision to have liposuction. Many ideal candidates have tried a steady diet and exercise as a means for losing pesky, unwanted fat. However, such a routine does not work for everyone. Men who have experienced enlarged breasts due to excess fat alone can also treat that problem with liposuction. A combination of liposuction and surgical removal of excess breast tissue is necessary if both are present in excess.
Pre-Op appointment
Once you have decided to go ahead with the liposuction procedure, a pre-op appointment will be scheduled a few weeks before your operation. At this appointment we will go over with you what will happen on surgery day, you will receive the prescriptions you will need, and we will take your pre-op photos. This will also be the time to express any questions you still have about the liposuction procedure.
Steps To Take Before Liposuction
Once you have decided that liposuction is the right choice for you, there are certain steps every patient should take. Here’s a checklist that will help you get ready for your liposuction procedure:- Stop taking blood thinners, aspirin and anti-inflammatories at least two weeks before your procedure.
- Discontinue smoking at least two weeks before your procedure and plan to stop for at least one month afterward.
- Stock your home with foods that are lighter on the stomach, such as jello, applesauce and prune juice. Laxatives and fiber-rich foods are also good to have on hand.
- Arrange for someone to take you to and from the surgery center for your liposuction procedure.
- Make sure your sleeping arrangements are comfortable. You can add extra pillows for support.
Liposuction Procedure
Liposuction is routinely done with general anesthesia, but small areas may be treated under local anesthesia. Recovery time is dependent upon the areas treated and amount of fatty tissue removed with return to work and exercise usually in a week. The final result when all swelling is gone generally takes around 3 months.
On the day of surgery, the surgery center will let you know when you should arrive. You will need to bring a support person who will be there to drive you home after the liposuction procedure. Before you go in for surgery, you will meet with an anesthetist who will go over questions about your health and any prior experience you have had with anesthesia. A nurse will go over aftercare instructions with you and your support person.
When it is time for you to be taken to the operating room, you will get an IV which will deliver your anesthetic, and you will drift off to sleep. When the surgeon is finished with your liposuction procedure, compression bandages will be applied to support the parts of the body treated, and you will be taken to a post-op area. You should be ready to return home within a few hours after your procedure.
Liposuction Recovery
With a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and exercise, most patients have long lasting results. However, this procedure does not treat cellulite, loose or saggy skin, and is not a treatment for obesity or weight loss. If you are a mother and have recently had a life changing experience of having a child then we may suggest looking into our Mommy Makeover services.
A Slimmer Waist With Liposuction
Once the liposuction procedure removes excess fat, those fat cells are gone for good. However, significant weight gain will increase the fat content in all fat cells and may negate your results. The new contours that are achieved with liposuction will be there to stay as long as patients maintain a healthy lifestyle. This is why it is important to have a healthy routine established before having the liposuction procedure.
As the swelling goes down, liposuction patients will also see improved results in the days and weeks following the procedure.
What To Expect Following Your Liposuction Procedure
Immediately following your procedure you can expect some bruising, which will start as very dark bruises and fade over the next few weeks. This is a part of the healing process and very natural. The degree of swelling is most dependent on the area treated. You will need someone to assist you in getting home and to stay with you that first day. As your medication wears off you may feel some discomfort. This can usually be relieved with the pain medicine you have been prescribed. Make sure to keep your compression garment on. You may see some fluid seeping from your incision areas. This is normal. Do not shower this first day. Your care team will let you know when it is appropriate to do so.
You may feel ready to resume normal activities after a few days. Avoid doing anything strenuous or any heavy lifting. Even if you are not feeling ready to get back to your regular routine, you will need to make sure to get up and move every few hours to avoid blood clots.
A few days after your procedure you will meet with the doctor, who will assess your healing, making sure the tissue around the treated areas does not have any hardening and there is no excessive bleeding. At this time, pain should be fairly manageable with ice and anti-inflammatories.
Swelling will usually begin to go down after the first few days to the end of the first week. You will most likely wear your compression garment throughout the first six weeks or as your surgeon directs. For a short while you may retain fluid and have swelling. This may prevent you from seeing the results right away. After the swelling goes down you will begin to see your results. Sometimes it can take up to three months to see your final results. Continue throughout the process to monitor the treated areas for usual lumps or pain.
Some patients worry about incision scarring. When performing the procedure, your surgeon will carefully place the incisions in the most inconspicuous areas possible. Proper care of your incisions will help minimize any scarring.
Most patients feel comfortable returning to exercise within two weeks. Your doctor will advise on what exercises are appropriate during your recovery.
Your compression garment will be worn full time for the first three weeks and half time the following three weeks for a total of six weeks of compression. You should also start to see the results of your liposuction procedure. Keep in mind that there may still be some swelling at this point. Some people may also experience mood swings or a general feeling of being a little down during their recovery. This is normal, as having liposuction is a major life event and a process that takes time.
Liposuction Is A Safe Procedure
Liposuction is a form of cosmetic surgery that is considered to be extremely safe. Dr.Liszka will discuss all risks involved with the procedure during your consultation. However, liposuction is a common procedure in which complications are very minimal. Choosing an experienced cosmetic surgeon, like Dr. Liszka, can reduce the risk of these complications and give you the look you truly want for your body.
Liposuction is frequently performed with other operations such as abdominoplasty or breast surgery.
View Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos of Liposuction Procedures performed by Dr. Liszka.
Contact Ballantyne Plastic Surgery Today To Schedule Your Liposuction Consultation
Dr. Liszka is among the best plastic surgeons in the Charlotte NC and surrounding areas
All materials provided by ASAPS (American Society for Aesthetics Plastic Surgery).